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How to Reach Telephone Directories in Turkey

How to Reach Telephone Directories in Turkey

You can look for telephone numbers online using the official Turkish White Pages (Beyaz Sayfalar) and Yellow Pages (Sari Sayfalar). The pros of the services are; they do include almost all landline numbers and are available for free. The cons are; the telephone directories are built in only Turkish language that makes it difficult for visitors who do not know the language.

To access theOfficial Turkish White Pages in Turkey click this link that will bring you to the web site. The link will open in a new tab. You need to enter the surname (Soyadi), name (Adi), select the province (il) and type the code (Dogrulama) into the relevant box and hit search (Bul).

For the Turkish Yellow pages, click this link and it will bring you to the yellow pages web site. The link will open in a new tab. You need to enter the name of the company (Firma), the category (kategori) the province (il) and finally type the code (Dogrulama) into the relevant box and hit search (Bul). If you want to make a more detailed search, you just need to click advanced search (Kapsamlı Arama) button that will bring extra spaces including the street (mahalle), type of service (servis tipi) and postal code (Posta kodu).

If you do not have access to internet and want to learn a specific telephone number using your cell phone or desktop phone, please go to our post “How to know who is calling you?

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