Unwritten Rules in Turkish Society
It is among the characteristic features of almost all societies to have sets of social rules that are not written anywhere but practiced widely by the people of those societies. Turkey also have those rules that first-time visitors probably don’t know. Let’s see 6 unwritten Turkish rules you probably don’t know.
You don’t need to ask the people beforehand if you want to visit their homes
This is the case in especially the eastern villages of Turkey. You usually don’t need to let them know earlier about your visit. It is more than normal to go to their homes anytime you want without letting them know. They are usually prepared for guests and they expect you to do the same thing.

Your host will refill your glass unless you say “enough”
You will notice that Turks drink Turkish tea a lot. If you are visiting your friend and he/she offers tea, you should know that your Turkish friend will refill you glass unless you say it is enough. Another way of letting him/her to stop refilling is to leave your teaspoon lying across the glass.

You should take your shoes off outside the front door
This is a universal rule for Turkish society in all cities around the country. In contrast to many of the western societies, Turkish people take their shoes off when they are at home. You should do the same since it wouldn’t be a polite behaviour if you insist on not taking your shoes off. Usually the household will offer you a pair of slippers.

Don’t blow your nose during a meal
It is a very rude behaviour to blow your nose during a meal in Turkish society. In many western societies, it is regarded as a normal behaviour however, wherever you go in Turkey, you should keep in mind that people would be very disturbed if you do that especially if you are having a meal.

Don’t start eating before the eldest person
In Turkish society, respect to elder people is very important in every aspects of life. If you are going to have a dinner in your friend’s home and there are elder persons, you should wait for them to start eating before you do. It is a sign of respect to elder people and your host will appreciate this behaviour.

Don’t put your feet up while sitting in front of people
Regardless of their age, you shouldn’t put your feet up in front of people you are talking to. It is a very rude behaviour in Turkish society and people would think that you are humiliating them by doing so.