How in Turkey

Holidays and Observances in Turkey in 2019

1 Jan Tuesday New Year’s Day

Although most places are open on December 31st, New Year’s Day is a national holiday and one locals normally spend in the company of loved ones at home.

23 Apr Tuesday National Sovereignty and Children’s Day

National Sovereignty and Children’s Day is a public holiday commemorating the first gathering of the Grand National Assembly (Turkish Parliament) on April 23rd 1920.

1 May Wednesday Labor and Solidarity Day

Otherwise known as “Workers” or “Labour Day”, this is a national holiday dedicated to all those working in Turkey.

19 May Sunday Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day

During the run up to the holiday, up and coming athletes carry a flag from Samsun, where the War of Independence started, to Ankara, Turkey’s capital city.

3-4-5-6-7 Jun Monday Ramadan Feast Eve

The Muslim celebration of Ramazan (Ramadan) is one of two main Islamic holidays celebrated each year.

15 Jul Monday Democracy and National Unity Day

The day has been declared as a time to remember the coup attempt in 2016.

10-11-12-13-14 Aug Saturday Sacrifice Feast Eve

The Feast of Sacrifice is known in Turkey as ‘Kurban Bayram’ and is the second main Islamic holiday. In 2019 it starts on the eve of August 10th and runs through until the 14th.

30 Aug Friday Victory Day

Turkish flags fly high across the country as Turkey commemorates victory during the Battle of Dumlupinar in 1922.

29 Oct Monday Republic Day

The last of the official national holidays in Turkey is Republic Day.

10 Nov Sunday Ataturk Memorial Day

Turkey is commemorating Great Leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the Founder of Republic of Turkey, who passed away 75 years ago. Today commemoration ceremonies are taking place throughout Turkey and in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

31 Dec Tuesday New Year’s Eve Observance