How in Turkey

How To Go To Çankaya University from Kızılay?

[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]Çankaya University is one of the foundation universities located in Ankara, the capital city of Turkey. Let’s see the history of the university stated by the administration of the school.[/vc_column_text][vc_cta h2=”About Çankaya University” shape=”square” color=”chino”]On 9 July 1997, Sıtkı Alp Education Foundation was ratified through the Turkish National Assembly decree number 4282 which was published in the Official News Paper number 23050, dated 15 July 1997. The official establishment of Çankaya University was finalised through the Higher Education Council decision number 16641, dated 27 August 1997, and the university commenced its functions in the autumn of the same year.

In an age of competition when civilisation and technology have reached their zenith, borders between nations have diminished and now are almost invisible. Each nation is trying to be a centre of excellence.

Education, reliable and efficient education, is undoubtedly the basis for such excellence. With this goal in mind, a community of educators trained at academic institutions of high reputation all over the world have been set up. This goal is to train, the students of Çankaya University in the best way possible through well-developed curricula in various fields. This academic institution will also provide its graduates with a solidly founded future, where employment opportunities at large will be open.

As the founders of the University, it is our sincere hope and desire to interact with all academic and administrative members as well as with the students as members of the same family, that is, Çankaya University.


How To Go To Çankaya University from Kızılay?

How To Go To Çankaya University From Kızılay
How To Go To Çankaya University from Kızılay

Step 1

Take the M2 Metro line to Çayyolu starting from Kızılay station.

Step 2

After 11 stops, you should get off the metro at Koru station taht is right after Çayyolu Station.

Step 3

After you get off the Metro at Koru station, you should walk to Koru Hareket Noktasi, that is the starting point for public bus services. Here you should get the bus numbered 595 to Ertürk stop, which is the 27th stop.

Step 4

After you get off the bus at Ertürk stop, you should see the university buildings. It will take about 10 minutes to walk from there to the Çankaya University campus entrance.

The whole trip from Kızılay to Çankaya University takes about 70 minutes.[/vc_column_text][td_block_13 custom_title=”Random Posts” limit=”2″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_widget_sidebar sidebar_id=”td-default”][/vc_column][/vc_row]