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What to Eat in Southeast Turkey?

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The Southeast Turkey

The southeast Turkey is not a very large area. There are only nine provinces in the region. Those provinces are: Gaziantep, Diyarbakır,  Şanlıurfa, Batman, Adıyaman, Siirt, Mardin, Kilis and Şırnak. Some cities have border with Syria and a very short border with Iraq. The region is usually very hot during summer season while it gets very cold in winter. Almost all cities in the region are famous with their foods. Are you going to visit the region and do you want to learn the traditional foods in Southeast Turkey? Let’s talk about only several of Food in Southeast Turkey in this post.

Beyran Soup in Gaziantep

Beyran is a kind of soup specifically known in Gaziantep. People in Gaziantep usually eat it in the morning instead of having a traditional breakfast. For the ones not used to eat soup in the morning, it might sound weird but after you try, you see that it is absolutely ok since it is very delicious and also it makes stomachs feel full during the day.

Beyran Soup Gaziantep
Beyran Soup Gaziantep

Beyran is prepared with rendered lamb fat, rice and shredded lamb. An aluminum bowl is used to heat the soup in. The rendered lamb fat is placed at the bottom of the bowl and then rice and shredded lamb on it. The chef then puts the bowl over the flame while also adding some chili pepper and minced garlic. You can ask not to have chili pepper but the original Beyran is prepared with it and we do not suggest you to ask for the soup without the pepper unless you have a reason for that. The soup is served hot.

Also keep in mind that local people in Gaziantep usually eat Beyran when they get flu instead of seeing a doctor first. It might also help you to get better without getting medicine.

Liver Shish Kebap (Ciğer Şiş) in Urfa

Liver shish kebap is one of the favourites in Urfa. You can expect to have one of the most delicious liver shish kebap on the earth in Urfa. Like local people in Gaziantep eating Beyran, people here in Urfa also eats liver shish kebap anytime, whether early in the morning or late in the evening.

Liver Shish (Ciğer Şiş) Kebap Urfa
Liver shish (Ciğer Şiş) kebap Urfa

We would recommend not to look for a modern restaurant to eat liver shish kebap since the most famous places are usually not in modern architectural buildings but in far corners of the city. In those places, tables and theshish benches are usually outside and you see how the master is preparing the liver.

Remember that you should have liver shish with isot, the red pepper flakes. The original isot  and onions are what makes the liver shish kebap delicious.

Drape Pilaf (Perde Pilavı) in Siirt

Perde Pilavı, or Drape Pilaf, is another kind of rice dishes cooked in the region. It is famous in Siirt province. Local people usually eat perde pilavı in wedding ceremonies. Among the local people, the ingredients in drape pilaf are known to have specific meanings. Future children symbolised by currant, protection symbolised by crust and fertility symbolised by rice.

Perde Pilavı - Siirt
Perde Pilavı – Siirt (image:

Featured image: by Valeria_aksakova –

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