How in Turkey

How to get a mobile line in Turkey?

Prepaid phones

Prepaid options are available as in many countries around the world. By having prepaid card system, you will not see high amount of bills at the end of the month. You can charge your mobile with prepaid cards at the mobile operators’ shops. Basically you buy minutes and you are charged as you use your mobile phone. You should provide your passport if you want to get a prepaid line in one of the mobile phone companies.

Contract phones

Mobile contracts are another option. By having contract phones, you don’t need to get worried about not having minutes to call in case of emergency. Contract phones are usually more convenient compared to the prepaid phones since the calling rates are lower. You can pay your bills at a post office or directly using your bank’s internet account.

In order to get a contract phone in Turkey, you should have a resident permit. Otherwise, you can just get a prepaid line.

Mobile providers in Turkey

There are three major mobile service providers in Turkey
