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Top Tips For Taking Care of Your Teeth While Traveling

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Taking care of your teeth while on the go can prove to be a task. We have to hop on from street foods to drinks in no time. This generally takes a toll on the teeth, due to the consumption of foods that can cause tooth pain and decay.

On certain occasions, we might also end up not being able to brush our teeth twice in a day while traveling.

Due to the hectic schedules and general ignorance of dental hygiene, 78% of Americans have had a minimum of 1 cavity by the time they turn 17, as per a study. Thus, it becomes imperative that we take care of our teeth at all possible times.

This article intends to provide you with tips to ensure the health and longevity of your teeth.

Watch what you eat

Traveling should not ideally become an excuse to indulge in all the unhealthy foods. Although an occasional snack is always fine, ensure you stay away from foods that can cause harm to your teeth. Foods high in sugar and preservatives can cause tooth pain.

Thus, make sure you imbibe nutrients even while traveling. This will not only keep you energized throughout the journey but will also keep your skin healthy. Some delicious and quick snacks you can munch on while traveling can include almonds, raisins, apples, strawberries, and fishes.

Apart from being highly nutritious, these foods are great for your gums, teeth and overall dental hygiene.

Utilise Gum

Due to the lack of access to home appliances, you may not be able to do much to keep your teeth healthy while traveling. It may also happen that you misplace your toothbrush or do not really find a way to clean your teeth instantly. In these situations, you can use chewing gums to clean your teeth.

As per a study, it has been proven that chewing gum after eating food can prevent tooth decay. Just remember not to chew on sugary gums, which might instead cause harm to your teeth and affect your dental health.

Opt for sugarless gums, which facilitates the increase of flow of saliva in the mouth. That saliva, in turn, rids your teeth of harmful bacteria and strengthens the enamel.

Dry your Toothbrush

One of the common mistakes we make is that we keep our moist toothbrush within the bag after use. We do not let it have proper air to dry up. Hence, even when you are traveling for a few days, ensure you keep your toothbrush in the open air after using it.

This shall enable it to receive proper ventilation and thus, prevent the growth of microorganisms. So, after brushing your teeth, keep your toothbrush in an upright position in a holder or an apparatus to dry up and ensure the prevention of growth of harmful bacteria.

Prepare a Dental Kit

Although it is true that you want to carry the lightest bag with you while traveling, a dental kit is a must. It does not have to be heavy if you carry all the necessary items in small quantities. Hence, make sure you carry a foldable toothbrush, mini toothpaste, dental floss and a small media bottle of mouthwash in your dental kit.

These items shall not only help you keep your dental hygiene intact but shall also be easy to carry while on the go.

Carry an extra toothbrush in case you lose one by mistake. This will keep you covered over the trip and not make you compromise on your oral health.

Brush with Clean Water

There may be a number of places you may travel where the quality of water is bad. It is imperative not to let your toothbrush get in contact with untreated and dirty water.

The idea should be to only clean your toothbrush with water which you can use for drinking. Using unclean water on your toothbrush can affect you badly.

It can proliferate the growth of harmful bacteria in your mouth on coming in contact with your teeth. Hence, make sure you use bottled or properly treated water to clean your toothbrush and nothing else.

Keep your Doctor’s Contact Handy

It is best to keep your dentist’s number saved on your phone or their business card handy. There are a lot of dental emergencies that can be dealt with the help over the phone.

Thus, the moment you feel pain or any kind of problem in relation to your teeth, you shall be able to easily get access to expert advice immediately.

That shall go a long way in keeping your traveling safe and enjoyable.

Although dental sedation has made the dental procedures bearable and improved their impact on the teeth, it is best to ensure the protection of your teeth efficaciously. It is a common misconception that traveling takes a toll on your teeth and dental hygiene.

This definitely does not have to be so if you take care of your teeth the right way. Inculcate the above-mentioned tips in your schedule and witness healthy and clean teeth no matter how lengthy the traveling becomes.

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