How in Turkey

How To Go To Mevlana Museum from Konya Bus Terminal (Otogar)?

[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]Konya is the largest city of Turkey in terms of geographical size. It is located just south of Ankara, the capital city of Turkey. Since the city is located in a wide area, it takes time to go to one place from another. However, the public transportation system is easy and convenient to use, fast, safe, clean and affordable.

How To Go To Mevlana Museum From Konya Otogar?

The most convenient way of going to Mevlana Museum from Konya bus terminal is to use the Tram to the city center.

How To Go To Mevlana Museum From Konya Otogar - Bus Terminal
how to go to Mevlana museum from Konya Otogar – Bus Terminal

First Step

You will need to walk to “Otogar Station” and take the tram from Kampüs to Alaaddin. Remember that is you take the one from Alaadding to Kampüs, you will go the wrong way and it will bring you to Selcuk University campus.

Second Step

After you get off the tram at the Alaaddin Station, you should walk to A.Komek- S.Pazari bus/minibus station that is just next to the Alaaddin Tram Station.

Third Step

You should tkae 62-A Samanpazari ring and ride to Mevlana, that is the second stop. This will last about 3 minutes.

Fourth Step

Mevlana museum is just in front of you.[/vc_column_text][td_block_13 custom_title=”Random Posts” sort=”random_posts” limit=”3″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_widget_sidebar sidebar_id=”td-default”][/vc_column][/vc_row]